Love has a bunch of keys under its arm.
Come, open the door.
-Djalal ad-Din Rumi
Your love has an eloquent tone.
The sky and I want to hear it.
Love is the only reality
and is not a mere sentiment.
It is the ultimate truth
that lies at the heart of creation.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Love is the vital essence that pervades and permeates,
from the center to the circumference,
the graduating circles of all thought and action.
Love is the talisman of human weal and woe -
the open sesame to every soul.
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Love, why do we one passion call?
When 'tis a compound of them all;
Where hot and cold, where sharp and sweet,
In all their equipages meet.
-Jonathan Swift
Love is everything.
It it the key to life
and its influences are those that move the world.
-Ralph Waldo Trine
True love is that which ennobles the personality,
fortifies the heart, and sanctifies the existence.
-Henri Frederic Amiel
Love is a great thing, yea, a great and thorough good;
by itself it makes every thing that is heavy, light;
and it bears evenly all that is uneven.
-Thomas a Kempis
Love is itself unmoving,
Only the cause and end of movement.
-T. S. Eliot
Love is something eternal,
it may change in aspect but not in essence.
-Vincent van Gogh
Love is the emblem of eternity;
it confounds all notion of time;
effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.
-Germain de Stael
Love is the net of truth.
-Abu Sa'id
Nothing is stronger than love;
love created the world,
and all the forces of creation are subject to love.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
By love has appeared everything that exists.
And by love that which does not exist appears as existing.
-Mahmud Shabistari
Love is the affinity which links and draws together
the elements of the world...
Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Love is the attraction exercised on each unit of consciousness
by the center of the universe in it course of taking shape.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Driven by the forces of love,
the fragments of the world seek each other
so that the world may come into being.
-Pierre Teihard de Chardin
Love is the Great Attractor,
the permanent, binding energetic fusion
that holds all Creation together,
uniting it into One.
-Ann Mortifee
Love is a binding energy
at the core of all Creation.
Love pulls and holds all things together.
-Ann Mortifee
Love is the pure essence of Being
binding all things together,
the great harmonizing principle.
-Rebecca Clark
Love is the ability to make the invisible visible
and the desire always to feel the invisible in one’s midst.
-Orhan Pamuk
Love is the energy of life.
-Robert Browning
Love is exactly as strong as life.
-Joseph Campbell
Love is the river of life in the world.
-Henry Ward Beecher
Love is the wind, the tide,
the waves, the sunshine.
-Henry David Thoreau
Someday, after mastering
the wind, the waves, the tides and gravity,
we shall harness for God the energies of Love,
and then, for the second time in the history of the world,
humanity will have discovered Fire.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The formula of Love is universal;
all the laws of Nature are its servitors.
-Aleister Crowley
Love is the subtlest force in the world.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Love what no eye sees;
love what no ear hears.
-Johann Kaspar Lavater
Love is space and time
measured by the heart.
-Marcel Proust
The measure of love
is to love without measure.
-Saint Augustine
True love is inexhaustible;
the more you give, the more you have to give.
And if you go to draw at the true fountainhead,
the more water you draw, the more abundant is its flow.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Only love can be divided endlessly
and still not diminish.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Love is a great teacher.
-Saint Augustine
Great understanding comes with great love.
Understanding is the basis of love.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
He understands who loves.
Love is life.
All, everything that I understand,
I understand only because I love.
-Leo Tolstoy
Everything will give up its secrets,
if you love it enough.
-George Washington Carver
We can sometimes love
what we do not understand,
but it is impossible completely to understand
what we do not love.
-Anna Brownell Jameson
There is no difference
between pure knowledge and pure love.
Only divine love
bestows the keys of knowledge.
-Arthur Rimbaud
Love knows its object by fusion.
-Rabindranth Tagore
True love is true knowledge,
because true love is nothing other than fusion.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
One comes to know nothing beyond what one loves.
And the deeper and more complete the knowledge,
the strong, more powerful and living
must be one's love and fervor.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
True genius without heart is a thing of nought -
for not great understanding alone,
not intelligence alone, nor both together, make genius.
Love! Love! Love! that is the soul of genius.
-Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin
What brings order in the world is to love
and let love do what it will.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Love is all we have,
the only way we can help each other.
The love we give away
is the only love we keep.
-Elbert Hubbard
What a man takes in by contemplation,
that he pours out in love.
-Meister Eckhart
Love is the only thing
we can carry with us when we go,
and it makes the end so easy.
-Louisa May Alcott
Love loves to love love.
-James Joyce
Love is always before you.
Love it.
-Andre Breton
In its pure essence
love is for its own joy.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
My heart is so intoxicated with love
that I have no wish to speak.
This love is silent.
-T. S. Eliot
Love is a sacred silence.
-Orhan Pamuk
In love lies the seed of our growth.
-Paulo Coelho
Love is like a flower -
you've got to let it grow.
-John Lennon
Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms
without the aid of seasons.
-Kahlil Gibran
Love's branches are buried in the heart
and bear fruit accordingly.
-Ibn Ata
Love is a fruit in season at all times,
and within the reach of every human hand.
-Mother Teresa
Only love makes fruitful the soul.
-John Galsworthy
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul.
-Saint Augustine
In love, nothing exists between heart and heart.
-Rabi'a  al-'Adawiyya
love is a deeper season
than reason
-e e cummings
Love is metaphysical gravity.
-R. Buckminster Fuller
Love is a spirit
all compact of fire.
-William Shakespeare
Love in its essence is spiritual fire.
-Emmanuel Swedenborg
Love sets the light on fire.
-J Sig Paulson
Love must be as much a light as a flame.
-Henry David Thoreau
To be loved means to be consumed in the flame;
to love is to shine with an inexhaustible light.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
Life's light is love.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Love is to the moral nature
what the sun is to the earth.
-Honore de Balzac
Love seems to be as
Essential as Sunlight.
-Diane Ackerman
You know quite well, deep within you,
that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation...
and that is called loving.
-Herman Hesse
Love can do all but raise the Dead!
-Emily Dickinson
To reflect the object of our love in our own consciousness
with a sense of adoration - that is what love is.
Love knows not distance;
it hath no continent;
its eyes are for the stars.
-Gilbert Parker
Love works magic.
It is the final purpose
Of the world's story,
The Amen of the universe.
Love liberates everything.
-Maya Angelou
Love is what is left
when you've let go of all the things you love.
-Jhaneshvara Bharati
Then there was nothing left of me,
Nothing except that love.
In love's godlike breathing,
there's the innermost aspect of the universe.
-Alexander Scriabin
Love is the perfection of consciousness.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Love becomes perfect only when it transcends itself -
Becoming One with its object;
Producing Unity of Being.
-Hakim Jami
Love has found itself the whole.
-George William Russell
Love is the whole and more than all.
-e e cummings